Defense Grid 2

As I posted over on Square Extreme, Defense Grid 2 is being funded on Kickstarter. The way they’ve labeled the funding is misleading; they show that their minimum funding level is $250,000, and that this is for Defense Grid 2, but $250,000 actually only gets us a new DLC for the original Defense Grid (and a $15 pledge will net you the current base game on Steam along with the new DLC when it releases). However, if they get to $1 million, not only do we get the the DLC, we get the first game redone to work with Steam Play on Windows, Mac, and Linux, plus Defense Grid 2. As of now, they’re 65% of the way to their minimum goal with 17 days left. I really hope they make it to the minumum; Defense Grid is an amazing game.

If you’d like to try the original, a $15 donation on this Kickstarter campaign will net it for you once funding is closed, or you can pick it up on Steam.



